(PRWEB) July 20, 2005
Dr. Terry Law, founder of World Compassion, has released a petition calling for the addition a human rights declaration on religious freedom to the new Iraqi constitution.

?It is my opinion that this war in Iraq isn?t over until there is a guarantee of religious freedom and basic human rights in the new constitution being created at this very moment,? said Dr. Law.

Article 18 of the United Nations? ratified Universal Declaration of Human Rights document states, ?Everyone has the right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion; this right includes freedom to change his religion or belief, and freedom, either alone or in community with others and in public or private, to manifest his religion or belief in teaching, practice, worship, and observance.? According to Dr. Law, the addition of freedom of religion to the constitution is necessary in order to uphold basic human rights.

?I believe we have a moral, political, and spiritual responsibility to demand freedom of religion for Iraqis,? said Dr. Law. ?Most nations of the civilized world have accepted this UN document. The new Iraqi constitutional committee must do the same.?

Dr. Terry Law will be meeting with Iraq?s new Prime Minister Ibrahim al-Jaafari, as well as members of the Iraqi constitutional committee, during the first week of August 2005, to encourage religious freedom. This trip follows on the heels of Dr. Law?s meeting with the former Prime Minister Iyad Allawi and Iraq?s Deputy National Security Advisor Georges Sada in June of 2004.

?We?re not asking that a specific religion be practiced,? said Dr. Law. ?We only want to ensure that the Iraqi people have the freedom to choose for themselves.?

The new constitution is scheduled for completion by August 15. World Compassion encourages the signed petitions to be returned by July 25, 2005 so they can be shipped to the Prime Minister?s office in Baghdad in early August.

Visit http://www.WorldCompassion.tv to download the petition for religious freedom in Iraq and learn about other ways to get involved with World Compassion?s volunteer network.

About World Compassion

World Compassion is a non-denominational, faith-based international organization founded by Dr. Terry Law in 1969 to assist churches in meeting the physical and spiritual needs of people in their communities. For over 35 years, World Compassion has worked specifically in nations that are difficult to access with the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Positive results have been achieved through the distribution of Christian literature, food, clothing, medical supplies, school supplies, and through psycho-social counseling among populations devastated by years of war and/or oppressive regimes. World Compassion conducts humanitarian-related projects in education, emergencies, health, family, and religious freedom.

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